Tenant Reward Program
With so many people retreating to parents houses, houses of friends, moving in with girlfriends, boyfriends or self contained flats during lock down there are some more empty rooms than normal. It’s time to think outside the box.. I’ve always had the urge to make people feel like they are moving into a home and not just a place to sleep. For me it’s important that tenants feel comfortable and valued so when I came across this reward scheme I didn’t even have to think about it.
I am lucky enough to manage some beautiful houses but some landlords will only let me do so much to improve a tenant experience. I would like the houses I mange to be have more of a co-living feel rather than just your run of the mill house share. There are things I can do myself to stand out from the competition and I like to give something back and make the tenants feel valued.
If you become a tenants you not only get a great property but you now get rewards, discounts on weekly shops (over 700 high street stores), enter competitions and much more. If you are a landlord and you come on board your tenants will benefit from the reward scheme.
I introduced the rewards programme before lock down but it’s become more and more popular during the pandemic because of the amazing discounts. Lot of us are on a drive to save money and this is the perfect way to do it.
Come on over and connect at LinkedIn or get in touch via email https://www.linkedin.com/in/carey-cottingham